We aim to make this website accessible to all users, following standards and guidelines to ensure that this site can be used effectively and easily as possible by everyone.
Browser accessibility options
You can specify the font sizes, styles and colours, and foreground and background colours of web pages displayed on your computer, even if the person creating the web page has already specified these. You can also set the colour you would like to indicate links on web pages.
This could be useful if you have impaired vision or find certain colours or contrasts easier to read.
You can set Internet Explorer to use the fonts and colours of your choice, or to use the Windows ‘default’ colours and fonts.
Downloadable documents
A number of downloadable documents available on this site are in Portable Document Format (often referred to as PDF). In order to view a PDF document, you need free downloadable software called Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you use a screen-reading program that synthesizes text as audible speech you may experience difficulty reading PDF files. The Access Adobe website provides online tools to convert PDF documents into standard HTML or ASCII text.